If you’re concerned about your country potentially going to war in the Middle East, then you need to follow what’s happening in Syria. The opposition there is claiming more than 1,300 people were killed in a chemical weapon attack, according…
Ever heard the one about the airplane wings? Here’s how it goes: Which wing is more valuable, the left or the right? You may have guessed the answer is… both. The same logic applies to Biblical prophecy—about which event is…
The Syrian civil war is risking a real Middle East war between Syria and Israel thanks to the fighting that has spilled into the border region between two countries, according to the top official in the United Nations. The situation…
If the threat of Iran building one nuclear weapon wasn’t enough, an Israeli official on Tuesday warned that Iran has the potential to build dozens of nuclear weapons per year. What’s more, Iran could be aiming those nuclear weapons at…
The use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime in that nation’s civil war increases the risk that such weapons could endanger the United States and its allies, President Barack Obama said on Tuesday. Meanwhile, The Washington Post is reporting…
The news today can seem like one unrelated event after another. Or perhaps like a whole slew of repeated events in which the same sad problems just resurface. But what if the things happening today are more than that? What…