The recent vicious murder of a priest inside of a church in France by ISIS terrorists not only received condemnation from Israel, but a call to united opposition of such fanatical violence and at the same time a reminder that…
The threat of ISIS (ISIL) terrorism has truly gone global, and they are just one of many radical Islamic terror groups attacking innocents around the world. To counter that far-reaching enemy takes a far-reaching alliance—and Israel wants to do their…
The terror group ISIS (ISIL) continues to rack up war crimes in its account, and hundreds of innocent Iraqis are believed to be at risk of pay the consequences for those actions. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) spokesman…
On the surface, the international coalition has made notable progress in the fight against ISIS in Iraq, taking back almost half of the territory claimed by the terror group that seeks to build a new radical Islamic empire, or caliphate.…
France is working to get the Israelis and Palestinians to cooperate and compromise, but France looks to have had their own cooperation issues with Israel. A Fox News report said that more than a year ago France’s main intelligence agency reportedly…
The terror group behind the attacks in Brussels and Paris is now targeting Jewish schools and youth centers in Turkey, according to a report by Sky News. The report cited intelligence sources that said the plotted terrorism by ISIS (ISIL)…