Share the terror? Hamas has launched thousands of rockets at Israel, and is offering them to other Arabs. Illustrative photo of spent Rockets fired from Gaza. By Joshua Spurlock.
Hamas isn’t content to just launch thousands of missiles at Israeli cities over the last couple decades—now they’re trying to share their rockets with any Arab army willing to shoot them at Israel. The Jerusalem Post reported that Hamas official Fathi Hammad made the offer on Al-Aqsa TV on Sunday. The Jerusalem Post noted it wasn’t clear who was being offered the missiles, but Hamas is believed to have links to some of the region’s worst extremists. That apparently may include ISIS.
While Hamas is denying connections to the terror group, ISIS is claiming a former high-ranking member of Hamas was a liaison to the Gaza-based group. Ynet reported that ISIS in the Sinai Peninsula has claimed that the liaison, Hashem Abdel Aileh Kishtah, was killed. Ynet also noted he has reportedly died on multiple occasions, only to show up alive again.
But while Kishtah was a member of Hamas, the terror group did not claim him after a previous death report in February 2016. Ynet reported that Hamas has told Al Jazeera that Hamas is not linked to ISIS, although Israel has said Kishtah is in fact that link. Regardless of Hamas’ affiliation with ISIS, they are still in the business of trying to improve their military stockpile via smuggling even as Israel seeks to block weapons and dual-use items from entering Gaza.
On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister’s Office Spokesman Ofir Gendelman posted on his Twitter feed that the latest Hamas unsuccessful smuggling effort was trying to sneak “military diving equipment for its terrorists, hidden in a shipment of clothes.”
“This attempt was foiled,” tweeted Gendelman, along with photos of the swim gear.
Instances such as these serve as reminders of Hamas’ intentions to get military supplies into Gaza, and announcements like the one made Sunday show that Hamas is apparently open to sharing what they do have with almost anyone—if they are willing to attack Israel.
(By Joshua Spurlock, www.themideastupdate.com, December 15, 2016)