Saudis ‘Actually Doing Something’, Cut Ties with Iran

Is the whole region going up in flames? Educational sign post showing distance between major locations in the Middle East. Illustrative. By Joshua Spurlock

Is the whole region going up in flames? Educational sign post showing distance between major locations in the Middle East. Illustrative. By Joshua Spurlock

Saudi Arabia and multiple other Muslim nations on Monday effectively severed diplomatic relations with Iran, following attacks from mobs against the Saudi embassy in the Iranian capital city of Tehran and another Saudi consulate office in the city of Mashhad. No Saudi personnel were harmed in the incidents, according to the Saudi Foreign Ministry website. The website quoted Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir as saying that the decision to kick out the entire Iranian diplomatic mission from their country is in light of the incident and Iran’s involvement in terror and unrest.

The Washington Post, in their report on the diplomatic turmoil, quoted an anonymous source commenting on behalf of the Saudis who blasted the United States for failing to properly respond to Iranian terrorism and missile tests. After saying the US “backs off” whenever Iran acts, the source said, “The Saudis are actually doing something.”

The Saudis weren’t alone—the Saudi Foreign Ministry reported on their website that Sudan had informed them that the African nation was also expelling the entire Iranian diplomatic mission, while recalling their own ambassador to Iran. And the Bahrain News Agency said that nation had also announced it was cutting off diplomatic ties with Iran.

The upheaval in the Middle East—some of the most dramatic diplomatic buy valium chiang mai moves in decades—followed not only the attack on the Saudi embassy, but the execution of a cleric adhering to the Shiite sect of Islam—which is the main religion in Iran—by the Saudis. Iran’s Fars News Agency essentially blamed the violence against the Saudi facilities on protesters angry about the execution of the Shiite cleric. Fars reported that dozens had been arrested by the Iranians and Iran was trying to prevent another incident.

But while Iranians spoke out against the violence of their own people after the fact, the Saudis claimed it was Iranian incitement that laid the groundwork for the incidents.

“These attacks come after aggressive statements issued by Iranian prominent figures, a blatant provocation that encouraged others to attack the Kingdom’s missions,” Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir was quoted as saying by the Saudi Ministry website.

“These offenses are considered a continuation of the Iranian hostile policy in the region aiming at destabilizing the region’s security and stability and spreading sedition and wars.”

The US, for their part, condemned the Iranian violence but expressed concern at the situation, including the diplomatic steps. “On the severing of diplomatic ties, we continue to believe that diplomatic engagement and direct conversations are essential to work through differences,” said spokesperson John Kirby in comments released by the State Department.

“…We reiterate the need for leaders throughout the region to redouble efforts aimed at de-escalating regional tensions.”
(By Joshua Spurlock,, January 4, 2016)

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