The Russians are leaving Moscow for Syria. Moscow. Illustrative. Photo Courtesy of UN Photo/Paulo Filgueiras
The grouping of forces fighting to support the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria have intensified their battle against those opposing Assad in that nation’s civil war, with Russia now launching airstrikes and Iran reportedly has sent more troops into Syria. Fox News cited US military officials as saying the Iranians would provide ground forces in the fight for Assad, while Russia will battle from the air.
Along those lines, Sky News reported that one of the rebel groups that said they’ve received US training was among those hit by Russian airstrikes. A training camp for the Liwa Suqour al-Jabal rebel group was hit by 20 missiles according to its leader. However, the primary US-supported rebel group—the Free Syrian Army—is not among those being targeted said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, according to Sky News.
While Lavrov was quoted by Sky News as saying terror groups were the only ones being bombed, it remains the be seen how true that really is. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeir was among those troubled by the Russian engagement in the conflict.
In comments released on Wednesday prior to the latest comments from Lavrov, the German diplomat said, “The latest news of Russian air strikes does nothing to lessen my concern about the situation in Syria.
“As yet we have no reliable information about the targets or methods. Russia itself must have an interest in clarifying the situation as quickly as possible. In this heated situation, there is a great danger that further misunderstandings may arise.”
(By Joshua Spurlock, www.themideastupdate.com, October 1, 2015)