Netanyahu condemns support for terrorists by Arab MKs. Illustrative image of Netanyahu. Photo Courtesy of UN-Photo/Marco Castro
Israeli Arabs are offered more than just citizenship in Israel—they can even run for the Israeli Parliament, known as the Knesset. But when Israeli Arab Knesset Members (MKs) paid comforting visits to the families of terrorists, that crossed a serious line. “I try to imagine what would happen in the British Parliament or the US Congress if [Members of Parliament] or members of Congress would stand at silent attention for murderers of British or American citizens. I think that there would be a very major outcry and rightly so,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday.
The Israeli leader said in comments released by his office that he is seeking legal action against the Arab MKs, and on Monday Ynet reported that three Israeli Arab MKs have been suspended from Knesset meetings. However, despite the suspensions, they can still vote at the Knesset.
Netanyahu would like to eventually ensure that those who support terrorists won’t be allowed to serve in the Knesset. He noted that it’s the MKs who are building “walls of hatred” and not peace.
“I believe that most citizens of Israel feel that these MKs do not represent them,” said Netanyahu. “We are making great efforts and great investments in order to integrate Arab citizens in Israeli society and they are doing the complete opposite.”
(By Joshua Spurlock, www.themideastupdate.com, February 8, 2016)