Illustrative photo of Netanyahu discussing Iran’s “secret nuclear files”. Photo courtesy of: Amos Ben-Gershom (GPO)
Following the Iranian decision to withdraw from some of the limitations under their nuclear deal with world powers, the Islamic Republic’s nuclear fuel supply has increased to the point that they will exceed the limits on nuclear fuel storage under the atomic agreement on June 27. Iran’s Fars News Agency reported that spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi informed the world of Iran’s progress on Monday, noting that his country intends to walk away from more of their requirements if their economic demands of Europe are not met by the end of their 60-day deadline on July 7.
Enriching uranium for nuclear fuel beyond what is needed for civilian power—including significant enhancement to medical research levels previously reached by the regime’s program before the deal—is on the table according to the spokesman. Nuclear weapons enrichment-levels—an even further step in nuclear fuel efforts—were not mentioned in the report.
Still, the specter of Iran speeding back to activity levels achieved prior to the nuclear deal hangs threateningly, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believes Iran should be punished by the world community if they exceed what’s permitted under the accord. “Should Iran make good on its current threats, and violate the nuclear agreement, the international community will need to immediately impose the sanctions regime that was agreed upon in advance, the ‘snapback sanctions,’” Netanyahu was quoted by his office as saying Monday. “In any case, Israel will not allow Iran to achieve nuclear weapons.”
Netanyahu noted that Iran’s efforts to violate the agreement by exceeding limits on nuclear fuel is not a surprise based on what Israeli spycraft learned about past Iranian actions prior to the nuclear deal.
“Today Iran threatened to enrich generic viagra joke uranium to higher levels beyond that which is permitted by the nuclear agreement,” said Netanyahu. “This does not surprise us because just as when we brought the secret nuclear archive from Teheran to Israel, we discovered the extent to which Iran has violated its promise to the international community—its promise to report truthfully on its nuclear program.”
Israel uncovered a treasure trove of Iranian documents detailing elements of their nuclear weapons program and exposed Iran last year as violating standard international agreements in the past—all while raising questions as to why the Iranians were hiding and saving old nuclear weapons research as recently as 2018.
That makes the current Iranian threats of nuclear program enhancement, including increasing the capacity at its heavy water plant according to Fars, all the more troubling. The Iranian moves are retaliation for Europe failing to mitigate renewed American sanctions after the United States exited the nuclear deal last year. Iran intends to continue making nuclear progress unless Europe grants Iran economic benefits the Islamic Republic expects under the nuclear deal, which Europe upheld even after the US left.
But while Europe and the US don’t see eye-to-eye on Iran, Netanyahu declared that some traditional enemies of Israel actually agree with the Jewish State when it comes to Iran—and on even more than that.
“Israel stands at the forefront with the US, with moderate Arab countries and with other countries, in opposition to the Iranian aggression,” he said. “…Alongside the peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan, we are tightening—in an unprecedented manner—relations with additional countries in the Arab and Islamic world. These countries increasingly understand that Israel is not their enemy. On the contrary, Israel is a steadfast and stable ally that—with them—seeks to ensure the future of our region.”
(By Joshua Spurlock, www.themideastupdate.com, June 17, 2019)