Iran has long provided military assistance to Palestinian and Lebanese terror groups, and they certainly aren’t hiding that fact. In an interview published last week with Qiam Sejjilha’ magazine, an Iranian official actually boasted that the terrorists have missiles that can hit anywhere in Israel thanks to the Islamic Republic.
Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force Brigadier General Seyed Majid Moussavi said in the interview, which was reported into English by the Fars News Agency, that a former Iranian military official who was killed in an explosion in 2011 worked with Hezbollah and Palestinian groups to develop the Fateh-class missile. Moussavi further was quoted as saying the missiles can now reach “all targets from Southern to Northern parts” of Israel. And Iran’s targeting of Israel doesn’t stop by developing terror missiles.
A separate report by Fars, this one cited in the Asharq Al-Awsat publication, made it clear that three missiles had been developed to launch quickly and specifically hit Israel. The missiles are housed underground.
Iran has long been accused of backing terrorists that attack Israel and have themselves called for the destruction of the Jewish State. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu highlighted this fact to CBS’ Face the Nation on Sunday.
In comments released by Netanyahu’s office, he said in the interview, “Iran is committed to the destruction of Israel, just as… the United States and the world powers are negotiating with Iran a nuclear agreement, the Ayatollah Khamenei, the ruler of Iran, calls for the annihilation of Israel. He just did that four days ago. He specified nine ways and reasons by which Israel should be destroyed.”
Netanyahu remarked that Israel’s isn’t Iran’s only enemy. Speaking of the Iranian leader, Netanyahu said, “He’s participated in rallies and chants of ‘Death to America’, ‘Death to Israel’. This is not a friend.”
Missiles have been a popular weapon of choice for terror groups. Hezbollah unleashed their missile capability in 2006 on Israel, and the Palestinian group Hamas has fired thousands of missiles and fought three wars with Israel since 2008.
Iran, meanwhile, often boasts of their own missile capabilities and has been suspected of having weapons able to reach Israel for years.
(By Joshua Spurlock,, November 16, 2014)
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