The Iranians have never been shy about their support for terrorist groups attacking Israel. But their latest rhetoric, which implied that they would either use or at least expect these terror groups to retaliate against Israel over the death of…
The Palestinian diplomatic army just won’t go away, as they recently announced they plan to go back to the United Nations again to force Israel to withdraw from land they claim. Like a villain in a horror film, they refuse…
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has never been all that friendly towards Israel, but last week he unleashed an invective-filled speech at the United Nations that sounded like a hateful enemy towards the Jewish State. Along the way, Abbas accused Israel…
After what appeared to be a supportive approach to Israel’s war on Gaza terrorists, the US has reportedly given Israel some backhanded diplomacy. According to reports from Haaretz and Al-Monitor, the US proposed a ceasefire to the Israel-Hamas conflict that…
Over the past couple of weeks, Israel and Gaza terrorists have engaged in an extensive round of violence. Amid the rising death toll on both sides, the US is now becoming increasingly urgent in calling for a ceasefire. But the…
Well, that didn’t take long. Nine months after new peace talks were launched between Israel and the Palestinians, the Palestinians managed to not only put up a roadblock to extending the talks, but appear to have killed them for the…