Are the Iranians Threatening the US in Germany?

Photo Courtesy of U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. John E. Lasky

Germany is investigating an alleged plot by Iran to strike United States military forces in the European country in the event of a US military attack on Iran, according to the German Bild newspaper. The report comes amidst ongoing concerns about Iran’s nuclear program and questions about the possibility of a military strike on it. Bild said that the German investigation is looking into a German businessman suspected of espionage and who allegedly maintained contact with the Iranian Embassy in Germany.

However, the German publication Der Spiegel played down the threat, later quoting a spokesperson for the Federal Prosecutor’s Office who said, “There is absolutely no indication that any such actions against US facilities have been prepared.” Furthermore, no warrant has been issued for the German suspected of involvement, whose home was searched in the ongoing investigation.

According to Der Spiegel, Jörg Ziercke, the head of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), said there was no immediate threat.

The Americans are coordinating with the Germans on the matter. In comments to reporters and distributed by the US State Department, spokesman Mark Toner said, “We take these allegations seriously. Tehran has shown time and time again that it doesn’t respect its international obligations and responsibilities. We saw it with the plot against the Saudi ambassador. We saw it just this week, with the attack on the British Embassy.”

(By Staff,, December 1, 2011)